Lovely C___ Dream

how to submit an article idea for LCD

all you have to do is send an email to giving the following information. I'll get back to you within a few days at most letting you know whether I think the idea will be a good fit, which issue I'd like to have it ready for, and the date you'd need your article ready by. if you already have something written up that you think would fit LCD, you can also send that in as long as you have the rights to submit it.

things to answer:

  1. your name, or psuedonym, or however else you want the article and contributions page to refer to you as. can include pronouns and other info on how you'd want to be referred if applicable.
  2. a personal link--either to some social media, a personal site/portfolio, or a patreon/other funding link that'll be included on your article and in contributions.
  3. what do you want to write about? this generally comes down to three categories, and you just need to state which you'd like:
    1. "I'm an artist and I want to write about my own work on my own."
    2. "I'm an artist and I'd like to be interviewed about my own work."
    3. "I'd like to talk about a particular work/artist."
  4. a link to the work(s) you'll be discussing in some form--ideally official but if it's something hard to find online directly, a wiki article or bootleg recording or anything else works; something you could show someone who knows nothing about the piece/artist in order for them to get some kind of rough understanding of it/them. if you're talking about your work in general and are already including a link directly to your portfolio, just note that.
  5. a basic synopsis of what about the piece(s) you want to talk about. if talking about your own work, this can range from inspirations, your own emotional state when creating, how the finished art makes you feel, etc. if you want to be interviewed, if there's a specific topic you want the questions to stick to, I'd like to know that, or just say I can ask anything about your work. if talking about someone else's work, I generally want to hear about how that work makes you feel, what memories or emotions it evokes in you. that doesn't necessarily have to be a positive thing, but if you're writing about something you don't like, it should either be about what emotions in you it fires--a deeply personal piece--or a critique in the literary sense--a very analytical one. I don't want a youtuber-critic roast.
  6. whether you'd be able to make your own "icon" for the article. each article in an issue has a little piece of black-and-white iconography that, in the hypertext version of LCD, can be clicked to open that article. in the printable edition it will be included next to the page number for the portion of the issue your article is in, and on the table of contents. again, it needs to be solely black and white, and also should be at least roughly discernable at a small size (~64x64 pixels). it doesn't have to represent anything specific that you talk about, so have fun with it! an example would be LCD's logo itself. if you can't do this, a short description of what you'd want it to look like would be appreciated so I can make one myself. I'll reach out to you before publishing to make sure you like the look of it.

final notes on article submissions

I hold the sole right to accept or deny any submission at any time. if I like your submission idea but take issue with the article for any reason at a later point, I'll let you know. if it's something I think can be compromised on, I'll ask first. you also can rescind your article proposal at any time up to the date I give you in my initial email if you similarly feel it isn't working out. I will try and say something as soon as I can, and hope you would do the same. if I reject your submission, you're free to use that idea or writing elsewhere. if you have multiple ideas, you can send them in a single email at once, and I may accept none, one, or multiple--but will likely only include one article per issue, to both give you more time to work on it and give myself a stronger backlog for future issues. if rejected, or if you don't heard back from me immediately, please don't send mutliple emails my way a day without response from me--if you haven't heard from me in about three days, email again as a reply to your original to check in, instead of resending the same email.

how to submit ads for LCD

submitting ads you'd want included in LCD is simple, and won't cost you anything at any point. again, send an email to with the following information. I'll reply within a few days to let you know if and how I'll be including your ads in the following issue(s).

things to answer:

  1. you or your organization's name, to be included on the contributions page.
  2. a link that you would want the web version of your ad to lead to when clicked.
  3. the images for your ad. I'd prefer getting both a print ad (either full page or meant for a portion of a page to be shown alongside an article) and a web ad (banner, either vertical or horizontal), but I'm willing to accept just one or the other. again, the final product can only be in pure black and white; if you submit anything with color or grayscale, I hold the right to dither and crunch it to hell. I'll accept any image format (try me), of any image quality, although I may reject it on basis of readability either pre- or post-dithering.
  4. whether you want these ads to only be ran in the next issue of LCD, or if you'd be willing to let me continue to run these ads in future issues and for how long. you can send a followup email at any time to tell me to remove any of your ads from the rotation. if any ads involve an event with a specific date, I'll make sure to run them only prior to that date.

final notes on ad submissions

I will accept or reject these based on personal taste. send in as many as you like in one email at a time; I may accept none, one, or multiple as I see fit. same spamming rules hold as for article submissions. if you'd like to submit both article ideas and ads, those can be separate emails or one single one. if it wasn't clear, these are meant to be a fun little addition to the magazine, not a serious marketing method. the "web" ads will not be based on any ad service, will not collect any data, and will solely be images with a non-obfuscated link attached. if you send me any malicious materials to be shared as "ads" (scams of any variety, or anything intended to harm the LCD readerbase in some way), I will reject any and all future submissions of any kind from you.